1 definition by Bitches say...

A very angry irrational hater, who claims inferior technology is superior. Jumps on every reviews comments section with stupid comments about how much better things are that don’t work properly (many are paid to do this).

Acts like they have been taking steroids and get so angry you can see the veins pop-up on their neck as they type their bullshit.

Normally start the comment with 'I hate Apple', and end with Android is so innovative, but can't name one single innovation.

Has a blindness to their piss poor SMS implementation and layout copied from Symbian. Doesn't wonder why Android dropped its G1 interface in favour of copying Apples iPhone.
“Boy, that comment is so irrational. They need to claim down and grow-up. Why do they claim worst is better?”

“It’s some bozo with Roid Rage, let them keep their poor replicants of a iPhone”.

“Do you think Android pay them to say such stuff, or have they just been feed misinformation and never bothered to check the facts?”

“Both, the worst thing is that Google are taking the piss out of them by calling it Android and Nexus, a replicant with a very limited lifespan.”
by Bitches say... November 2, 2013
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