2 definitions by Billy bad ass

The art of walking into a room busting ass (farting) and walking off. This can only be done by a person with a pungeant odor.
Jim: What smells so bad?
Brian: I don't know but Steve just walked through and I think he cranied us.
by Billy bad ass October 10, 2012
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another way of saying blumpkin without people knowing what you are are talking about. Can also be used as a team name in school or any group project to trick your teacher or superviser into saying blumpkin.
Over heard at work - "man i got a sweet blue pumpkin last night, it was awesome!"

Teacher - "what's your group name?"
Kid - "The Blue Pumpkins!"
Teacher - "alright, the BLue pUMPKINS"
by Billy bad ass March 25, 2005
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