1 definition by BilElSicario

Katia’s are Lithuanian baddies, Katia’s are rich (live in different countries) blondies with blue eyes, they are short and thicc, they love discovering cultures, and so people from other cultures. They are smart and extremely funny, they got references from the internet. Katia’s are quite intimidating, one smile can get you knocked out.

However, in relationships, they show everything good, seem to be communicative etc… But they go ghost mode after a while and blocks you everywhere.

To be fair Katia’s are immature bitches, they lack of communication after a while, and will hurt you a lot in their way of managing relationship crisis.
Kevin: Look it’s Katia, she’s gorgeous !
Sigma Male: She’s indeed, but careful !… She bites, she a Katia.
by BilElSicario November 20, 2021
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