2 definitions by Bigestboi

Order 2 mcdoubles. Add extra patties to both and remove the bun for one. Order a cheeseburger and remove everything but the pattie onion and pickles. Order a junior chicken regularly. And lastly order 2 hashbrowns. Combine everything into one burger.
I'm about to order the mcfuckme, wish me luck.
by Bigestboi January 22, 2018
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A relative curve to the ratio of energy you have and amount of time you spend sleeping. The curve suggests the optimal amount of sleep is 8 hours and too much more or less sleep will lower the amount of energy you have.
Person 1:Man I am so tired even though I slept for 12 hours

Person 2: Well if you look at the sleep curve 12 hours is too much and you actually don't get much energy for sleeping that long.
by Bigestboi June 7, 2018
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