2 definitions by BigSchoolBoi

The female genitalia, not to be confused with the male genitalia, the porksword.
Dude: "Hey, did you know tha..."
Dude2: "Yeah I know, you don't have to tell me. Girls have a goopshoot and we have a porksword. I took SexEd class."
by BigSchoolBoi February 6, 2019
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North-American cryptid.
Often described as being a tall, skinny humanoid with elongated limbs and smelling of decay and/or copper.
Known to be extremely fast, agile, resilient, and most of all dangerous. They are also known to be able to mimic
voices and speech patterns to an extent.
Deep in a forest:

-*sniff* "Ugh wtf is that smell?"
-*kid shouting for help not far off in the distance* "Help me! Aaa help!"
-"Who's there?! Are you hurt?! Where are you?!"
-*kid shouting for help again* "Help me! Aaa help!"
-"Hang in there! I'm on my way!"
-*kid shouting louder* "HELP ME! AAA HELP!"
-"I'm almost there! Just hang o-" *realises the kid's shouts have sounded

identical each time, both in intonation and rhythm*

*indentifies smell as copper mixed with rotten meat*
-*kid shouts in a distorted-like manner*

"HELP ME! AAA HELP! T-he-e mo-onst-er i-i-i-isss goi-n-n-n-g to ea-at meeeeEEEEEEE!!"
-*blood freezes and tears swell up as a skinwalker rises from behind some boulders*

"W-what the fu-"
by BigSchoolBoi February 2, 2020
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