7 definitions by BigPeterLilNuts

Modern day society. Despite us believing our world to be a controlled and civilized, the urban wild is the real reality.

Anything can happen out there in the urban wilderness. Common wildlife such as entitled pricks, senile seniors, random f*ckboys, beta males, lunks, gang bangers and a whole slew of other wild animals can be found randomly at any given time.
Urban wilds are dangerous, and it's recommended that you remain alert around wildlife as they some can become extremely hostile for no reason other than a parking spot, or road rage.
The entitled baby boomers are known for their strange call "hit me and I'll sue!" while the gang bangers are a more dangerous threat that all too often jostle their prey with strikes to the head and neck.
Steer clear of the urban wild at night, as predators tend to come out to hunt for prey they can take money, organs or whatever horrors they can think of for their amusement.

It's funny we call our society predictable, but we can't predict what the guy next to us is gonna do in the next 5 minutes. This is why it's called the urban wild.
The Urban wild is a Jungle out there!

Never travel in the urban wilds without a weapon or a friend, or both.
by BigPeterLilNuts May 20, 2019
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A crude flail like weapon crafted within seconds, usually used by someone in a very desperate and dire situation.
Often used when you have no other weapon. Usually people take a sock off, drop a rock in it and then they have a weapon.
Ay bruh, we was bout to jump that dude but he ripped off his sock and tied off a rock in the end of it. Rock in a sock be a crazy mad weapon bruh.

If you ain't got a weapon you gonna pick up a rock in a sock.

Rock in a sock is a prison style weapon like the slock.
by BigPeterLilNuts May 20, 2019
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Also known as a "Slock". A lethal and very crude weapon of true desperation, often times used by convicts in prison. The lock in a sock is a blunt trauma weapon that inflicts bruises and broken bones to its victims. It's known for its ability to kill or severely injure in a single blow.

Lock in a sock is a generalized term, as in reality convicts load socks not only with combination padlocks, but also other heavy items such as large batteries, bars of soap, fruit, rocks, or even toilet paper mache balls. Basically if it is blunt, heavy, or dense, it can be dropped inside of a sock and used as a weapon. While large batteries, large rocks, and locks loaded into a sock can be lethal; often times prisoners use soap or fruit not to kill, but to send a message as they are less than lethal.

Slocks are known for their stopping power and in the hands of a skilled combatant, a very deadly weapon. On the street slocks are often used in conjunction with bandanas and common among biker gangs.

They are also used in the ghetto by poor people or carried as a defense weapon. Locks and bandanas can be taken apart immediately before frisked by police allowing the weapon to remain undetected and then reassembled afterward.
In some states in America, possession of a Slock is classified as a deadly weapon. They fall under the classification of "Slungshot".
Yo he just got knocked tf out by a Lock in a sock!

Sh*ts about to go down bruh, grab You a lock in a sock!
by BigPeterLilNuts May 20, 2019
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Something you say when you're heading towards the inevitable. Usually either impending pain or doom awaits you. Intended to be humorous, or as a reminder that others have suffered worse and you now join their ranks.

The Green Mile was a short walk prisoners had to walk before facing execution. To say "Walking the Green Mile" was a way to tell other prisoners that you wouldn't be coming back from where the guards were taking you.
"Walking the Green Mile, better get right with Jesus."

Little Tommy said "Walking the Green Mile." when they called him to the principal's office.

Goobs said "Walking the Green Mile." as he approached the restroom after a 5 day pizza binge.
by BigPeterLilNuts May 20, 2019
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"Middle Aged Prick" - Mick.

That's your average middle aged entitled prick that thinks the world owes them something. They have no respect for anyone or anything and only care about their money. Usually from the baby boomer generation, or their immediate offspring.

They range anywhere currently (as of 2019) to be 38-65 years old (Typically a Male Baby Boomer) and can be found near cities, suburbs and driving RV's across any particular state in North America. These f**kers are known to be heartless to anyone or anything who seemingly does not serve a purpose to them, or is not a skinny young blonde in her late teens to mid twenties with a big chest.

"Micks" (middle age pricks) are particularily pervy bastards who creep on young women and only care about themselves. Use extreme caution and dont leave your wife or children alone with them.
TO be honest I was surprised the mick could work his phone camera properly. I wasn't surprised when he started making fun of the innocent fur baby just trying to eat her food. That's what those as*holes do.
by BigPeterLilNuts May 16, 2019
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That's your average middle aged entitled prick that thinks the world owes them something. They have no respect for anyone or anything and only care about their money. Typically a Male baby boomer or their immediate offspring.

They range anywhere currently (as of 2019) to be 38-65 years old and can be found near cities, suburbs and/or driving RV's across any particular state in North America. These fuckers are known to be heartless to anyone or anything who seemingly does not serve a purpose to them, or is not a skinny young blonde in her late teens to mid twenties with a big chest.

"Micks" (middle age pricks) are particularly pervy bastards who creep on young women and only care about themselves. Use extreme caution and dont leave your wife or children alone with them.
TO be honest I was surprised the "mick" could work his phone camera properly. I wasn't surprised when he started making fun of the innocent fur baby just trying to eat her food. That's what those assholes do.
by BigPeterLilNuts May 16, 2019
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Your average Baby boomer. They think they know it all and have no respect for anything that doesn't benefit their bank account. All they care about is money, and they think they deserve a medal just for growing old. Basically a 40+ year old snowflake.

It's not uncommon for one of the entitled to cut you off in traffic or steal a parking spot from you. If you happen to sucker punch one out in the urban wilderness, you'll likely be sued for the rest of your life.
by BigPeterLilNuts May 20, 2019
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