3 definitions by BigGuy2077

A Dorito back is a back consisting of huge fucking lats and wide shoulders, making the owners back look like a Dorito. Those with smaller waists may achieve this easier than those with larger ones, however even a person with a chunky waist can have a Dorito back, if the shoulders and lats have good enough proportion.
Did you see the Mr. Olympia?
Fuck yeah dude, Cbum only won cuz of his Dorito back.
by BigGuy2077 April 28, 2023
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A superset consists of doing 2 exercises at the same time, usually by working a different muscle group in the pause between sets.
Supersets are mostly used by the worst people in the gym: Crossfitters and people who don't mark their equipment as being taken.
You will usually find someone superseting when you try to use a completely unmarked machine, and then they tell you very passive-aggresively that they're using it
Dickhead: Hey, I'm using that
You (talking to your friend about these abhorous people): That cunt was doing a superset and didn't even mark his machine
by BigGuy2077 May 5, 2023
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Quite probably the best written&played character in any TV series ever.
Certified badass motherfucker.
And people treat him like a god, until the later seasons which suck dick anyway.
Negan:In case you haven't noticed, I just slipped my dick down my throat and you thanked me for it.
Me:he's so badass
Rick:*crying or some shit*
by BigGuy2077 July 16, 2023
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