3 definitions by Big Choctaw

The act of using your boner as a deadly weapon by hitting a girl with it. The location of your hit does not matter, but for it to be considered a true Turkish Meatcleaver the hit must be so powerful that it forces the girl to say "Oww" and then because she is so impressed she proceeds to s on your d
Man: "Hi-yaaaaaaaaaa!"

Girl: "Oww... wow it's so big and powerful. *Sucky sucky*"

Man: "Yeah you love Turkish Meatcleaver. They always do."
by Big Choctaw July 6, 2010
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The act of a man's head being placed between two sets of large breasts so that the breasts form a "turtleneck" around the man's neck.
Brandon: "Dude, i got the two Emily's to give me a Swiss Turtleneck!"

Blake: "Nice!"
by Big Choctaw July 7, 2010
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The act of a man's head being placed between two sets of large breasts so that the breasts make a "turtleneck" over the man's neck
Brandon: "Dude, i just got the two Emily's to give me a Swiss Turtleneck!"

Blake: "Nice, dude!"
by Big Choctaw July 6, 2010
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