3 definitions by Big Coxie

Proper noun for when you don't have enough money to buy or make legit meals so you end up combining different foods together that probably shouldn't go together to create a meal.
Nate was considered "Chef Pooryardee" when he made "ramenghetti" for dinner one night. (Ramenghetti is a mixture of ramen noodles and $1 pasta sauce from the local Hy Vee).
by Big Coxie March 8, 2023
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When you're too broke for actual spaghetti so you use a combination of ramen noodles and pasta sauce.
Nate didn't want regular beef flavored ramen noodles for the 5th time this week. Instead, he made ramenghetti with the $1 pasta sauce he bought at his local Hy Vee.
by Big Coxie March 8, 2023
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