29 definitions by Bex

The charva seems to have evolved slightly ( only very slightly, they still resemble sub-intelligent ape like species). Where we used to see the various coloured berghauses with the odd 'tab' burn now we see the Meria peak. It seems as though in charva land this is this season's must have. Unfortunately it only comes in 4 colours leadding to every fourth charva wearing an identical coat. This teamed with the old uniform of Henry Lloyd jumpers, knock-off burberry hats and rockports with strange reflective edging all adds up to pretty bad reading for all us goths, skaters, grungies or just normal people as it seems that rather than dieing out as a species charvas seem to be progressing. Well we can but hope, after all, the dinosaurs died out and they weren't exactly pretty either.
by Bex October 27, 2003
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Someone who labels people for something they're not and they think they are right.
Oh that guy is such a shmaler. he keeps calling me a whore when i'm not.
by Bex May 22, 2006
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Guy: "You alright there babes?"
Girl: "Ooh, yeah. Just havin a flick on me bean!"
by Bex July 30, 2003
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people that rock, no doubt about it. they put up with 'townie' idiots shouting abuse such as 'uh u dirrty fuckin grebo, u watch' and then running off and never doin anything about it. they listen to decent music, like rock, metal, punk, etc. no pop crap. they usualy wear darker clothing, and dont follow any stupid trends, like townies do, and dont try hard to fit in, most grebos will accept anyone aslong as there not a complete prick. yeah, grebos rock
yeah, i am one. u probably guessed
by Bex September 17, 2004
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A bloke who knows exactly what he's doing and lets you cum first!
by Bex July 30, 2003
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Someone who tries to live by the ideals of truth, freedom, love, and all those beautiful-sounding concepts.

Someone who kinda does their own thing and as a consequence has a kinda weird fashion sense
"I got this really bohemian vintage dress from the thrift shop"
by Bex October 12, 2003
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To broadcast information to a specific group of people
The web site narrowcast information about their product to everyone on their mailing list
by Bex October 12, 2003
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