2 definitions by Bespin Kid

OGX is a relationship term and is an abbreviation for “original gangster ex-partner”.

Though a person may have many relationships that they have been in, and have many ex partners, the OGX is what one calls the substantial relationship in their life, and one considers this ex the “ex that matters.”

Sometimes this classification of a ex is due to the duration of the relationship (ie how long they were together), status of the relationship (ie first long-term relationship) or how strong the emotional investment was to them.
Patrick and I were a joke. My OGX Matt and I were together 11 years.
by Bespin Kid August 9, 2023
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The act of using a public Venmo account to make an ex jealous. Often done with the help of friends who pay insignificant amounts (.01¢) for major, exciting events that never actually occurred (Red Sox tickets for instance).
“I’m ReVengMo-ing Pat. Can you pay me for a trip we took to Nantucket?”
by Bespin Kid May 26, 2021
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