2 definitions by Bergmannlovespetersoysoy

While defecating in the lavatory, the main log hits the water and causes and uncontrollable splashback of cold water onto the rectal area.
Omg I just got totally splashback syndromed now my fingers will go through the toilet roll when I wipe.
by Bergmannlovespetersoysoy October 22, 2007
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While urinating into a lavatory, the main stream is entering as normal, but a shower like spray diverts and causes particulates of urine to land on the toilet seat. This is usually followed by a rapid wiping of the seat with toilet roll, often masked by the flushing of the toilet itself.
Omg I just shower effected all over the seat. I gotta clean up
by Bergmannlovespetersoysoy October 22, 2007
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