1 definition by Benoiter

Benoiting is the act of posing in front of a camera (specifically from an Apple iPhone) and showing off what little muscle you have in your right arm. Other forms of Benoiting sometimes include holding various objects that weigh very little and making a duck face. In early 2013, a stipulation was added that while Benoiting, you must wear a shirt (this was due to the fact that Benoiting was starting to get confused with homosexuality). Benoiting really took off on January 3 when PSY was featured Benoiting. Benoiting should not be confused with the term "Benoit". For instance, someone might say "I have to drop a Benoit". It is illegal to take a Benoit, while Benoiting.
" I was on FB last night,and saw this Douche Benoiting! I hate him"
by Benoiter January 4, 2013
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