2 definitions by BenderIsGreat3000

my definition was not a joke. it is an abbreviation that is used on the internet. I changed the definition and made it so anybody could understand it. it was a legitimate definiton ffs.

just publish my goddamn definition FFS
by BenderIsGreat3000 August 28, 2018
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you see? you see the dumb crap the urban dictionary editors will actually publish instead of real definitions?
don't do it. don't publish this definition. it's fucking useless. fuck you.

urban dictionary editor: Let's see here, we have a real and possibley helpful definition and one talking about some guy's random ass friend named James. Hmm which one should we allow on the urban dictionary. Hmm i'm gonna say the useless one about some guys random ass friend. Fuck the real and useful definitions right guys!

a bunch of dumb fuck urban dictionary editors: YEAH!
by BenderIsGreat3000 August 28, 2018
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