2 definitions by BenEvolutioN

When you mix spicy V8 juice into your keystone light beer.
My hangover is so brutal I had to chug a spicy keyster to take the edge off this morning.
by BenEvolutioN January 9, 2022
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A trick performed on a mountain bike or stunt bike where instead of properly landing a jump or bailing off, the rider lands ass first on the rear tire while the bicycle is still in motion, causing the rear tire tread to grind into the helpless rider's asshole as the bike slowly comes to a stop.
"Raul tried to hit that nasty tabletop jump at the bottom of the hill, but the dipshit half chickened out mid jump and ended up doing a coffee grinder instead! What a shithead!"
by BenEvolutioN April 6, 2022
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