38 definitions by Ben E. Hama

perhaps the most isolated country in the world. located in the himalayans, it was once a british colony (but the brits paid zero attention to it). a very old-fashioned budhist society for the most part. the nation is ruled by a powerful king.
tv and internet were illegal in buhtan til 1999!
by Ben E. Hama January 27, 2007
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little tiny carribean country that used to be under british rule. currently, it consists of a pair of islands that seem to exist soley for american, canadian, and european toruist dollars.
antigua and barbuda has nice beaches
by Ben E. Hama January 27, 2007
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a little strip of land along a river of the same name. completely surrounded by the nation of senegal. nation that saw coup after coup unitl democracy finally began to work in the a few years ago. if you look at a map, gambia looks kind of like a penis.
in order to write his famous book 'roots', alex haley observed what tribal life was like in the gambia.
by Ben E. Hama January 27, 2007
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besides the racist slur, it's also an african country. the slur doesn't make sense actually, since guinea means "woman" in it's native tounge. anyway, it's a former french colony that actually won its independence through refurendum, not revolution. howwever, it's been failed coup after fail coup for the last 15 years due to terrible gov't. it's now considered a failed state.
the nation of guinea is considered a failue by the world band
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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a country NOT in the middle east, despite being heavily islamic. this asian nation was one of the soviet republics that became independent in 1990. after it became sovergn, it plunged into civil war. the nation has rich natural resources and is a leading cotton and aluminum producer. unfortunately, it is currently a faux democracy, ruled by a former soviet official.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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mozambique is a country in africa. it was a long time posession of portugal, but was basically owned through most of the 1800s and early 1900s by a corpoartion known as the nissa company. this organization, of course, ran mozambique into the ground. portugal held on this place until their own upheaval in the 1970s. since then, mozambique has been typical africa with coups, civil wars, aids, and poverty.
mozambique is trying to fix it's economy.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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palau is a tiny island nation in the pacific, with a population of only about 20,000 people. it was colonized by various powers between the 1600s and late 20th century, including the Spanish, Germans, British, Japanese, and Americans. however, no foreign power really did anything to help or harm the region. a huge WWII battle occured here, and following the end of the war, the US was put in charge of the region. palau refused to join the country of micronesia when it was formed in the 1970s. after political chaos, it finally became independent in 1994.
palau has many coral reefs.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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