4 definitions by Barcode_112

Its when you're good at something (Video Game) and someone who is really bad that thinks they're good plays with you and they pass it on to you know you have it and it's hard to get rid of
Me:Dude man your so bad you have trashidus

Juul: shut up man im better than you it was just an off game
That stupid nigger ghave me Trash-Idus
by Barcode_112 May 11, 2018
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It's a game you play with a group of friends. How is works is when you sit down if you dont swipe you're chin you get Jocked in your jaw.... (Pretty Hard)
*Punches* "Why The Fuck Did You Just Hit Me In The Face!..." , "You Didn't Swipe Bro It's Chin Swipe)
by Barcode_112 March 2, 2018
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When a blunt is so small that you can barely smoke it and its usually smaller than 1 inch(s)
by Barcode_112 February 2, 2018
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Ash is a video game charcter that is used for very unskilled players in the video game franchise "Rainbow Six Siege".
Ash consist of rushing half the time, or getting headshotted but not dying, Her gadget is useless to her team (People only use her because she is easy to use and he has no headshot hitbox) So if you play ash most likely your fine because your new to the game or...... You're just toxic and very bad at the game...
God Damn!!!! Just Headshotted That Bitch Again....... FUCK YOU ASH!!!!
by Barcode_112 February 26, 2018
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