4 definitions by BanRangedTopsPLS

Ethan is really, really , really, incredibly, extremely, and definitely gae
bro, did u hear, Ethan is gae
by BanRangedTopsPLS March 28, 2022
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The ultimate douchebag. Fueled with protein and all the chad might one can get. Dunkmaster darius is the most handsome, most sexy, most dunktatstic skin in league of legends.
You can never be a darius main without this skin.
Why is it, three reasons :

And unk
All shall tremble before the dank dunkmaster.
Oh shit, get ready to be dunked, cuz Dunkmaster darius has arrived
by BanRangedTopsPLS March 29, 2022
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A pantheon that decided to take a break from baron lane or jungling and decides to go support.

He is what is called a devil in disguise. As support pantheon is also called as killsteal pantheon.
It is very interesting because his 1st ability does so much damage, that even in the opposite lane will pity the adc in bot lane as pantheon has yet again secured a kill.
Say good bye to your kills, as support pantheon is here.
by BanRangedTopsPLS March 28, 2022
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The ultimate abomination for jungling, a jungler with an iq that starts with a decimal point.

Ways to detect this shithead of a jungler is seeing him clear jungle camps all day, all night.

When team beeds gank, he farms. When objective spawned, he farms, when entire team is dying, he farms. If his house on fire, he farms. If his girlfriend (not that he has any) leaves him, he farms. If he dies, he still farms in elo hell.
Awww shit, we have a farmer yi as our jungler
by BanRangedTopsPLS March 28, 2022
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