3 definitions by Baku Panurple

The act of embarrassing or shaming someone that has to take a shit. Typically occurring in a public setting such as school, work, etc. Other factors such as little to no toilet paper being present or the smelly farts released while trying to hold it in further elevates the Shaming.
I felt sorry for Bradley, our co-workers were Shit Shaming him hard because the bathroom was out of toilet paper.
by Baku Panurple March 14, 2018
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is when you place feces from your partner in a plastic baggy, freeze it, and then insert the frozen log into one of your partners' open holes
"Dude I couldn't believe she fell for the frozen fitzgerald last night it was sick."
by Baku Panurple June 20, 2008
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when two gay men scissorleg each other forming a tight bond between the anal cavities in order to pass a lump of shit from one anal cavity to another; and then use it as a dildo between each other.
Me and me man got a full on spaceporting experience last night.
by Baku Panurple January 30, 2016
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