2 definitions by BWorks

The school that you will search on YouTube looking for fight videos with the the only good basketball team in central Ohio. Bomb threats happen basically every month! Look forward to trying to get an education but miserably failing. Also while being forced to walk in halls while a fight or rap battle occurs. Teachers really don't care what happens except when their pay check comes.
"Oh man bruh this school is almost as bad as Westerville South High School"
by BWorks February 19, 2016
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One of most lit rappers in the 2010s. K camp's peak popularity was in 2013 and some of 2014 with notable club bangers such as "Cut her off" and "Slum anthem". He hasn't made much since.
"Damn this k camp banger was the SHIT!"
"Yeah for real, sucks he fell off "
by BWorks March 2, 2017
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