2 definitions by BLT199287833

The last name of a family with 3 elements
-First Child = Idiot
-Second Child = Normal
-Third Child = God
"Did you hear what the first kid of the Jacksons did?"
"Yeah but the second one is alright,"
"Oh, the third one is a GOD!!!"
"Such a Kan fam!"
by BLT199287833 November 6, 2017
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A thirteen-year-old child with the biggest dick ever. Usually, a social outcast and has minimal friends. But his dick is 7 1/2 inches long and will obliterate everything around him.
Hey, you know James has a 6-inch dick?

Not a "Rohan Kapur" sized dick, but decent.
by BLT199287833 November 13, 2017
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