1 definition by BLAHBLAHBLAH[awesome face]BLAH

A very new age TV channel broadcasting only in canada.

Very different from MTV USA, although it does play most of the same programs as the US version, certain programs such as mtv live and mtv news are exclusive to the canadian version.

Unlike its american counterpart, the canadian MTV does not shove idealistic opinions down its viewers throat, instead havingwhat are called "impact" specials, which shine light on current events which are relatable to today's youth, such as the Alberta tar sands, the recovery of Haiti, and even gay rights and activism.

MTV canada also features music videos from independant and alternative artists, instead of only top 40 hits.
MTV canada highlighted duck sauce's "babra streisand" on MTV NEWS, and now its my favourite song!
by BLAHBLAHBLAH[awesome face]BLAH February 22, 2011
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