3 definitions by BJ Rouge

A complete dumb-ass moron, and a big redneck hillbilly, who thinks he knows how to take care of animals and illegally sold and bred tigers and other big cats. Watch the Netflix documentary and you will know what I mean.
"What is this on Netflix? The Tiger King? What the hell is that? I guess I'll see what it is... Joe Exotic? That's a dumb name!"
A few episodes later..
"This guy is so tacky and dumb! Who names themselves Joe Exotic anyways?"
by BJ Rouge March 26, 2020
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The face emoji everyone spams on Twitch
Time to slap that PogChamp emoji
by BJ Rouge December 12, 2020
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A day where all you do is eat, sleep, watch TV, and drink a lot of beer, and basically just be incredibly lazy and joyfully gain wait, just like Homer Simpson would do. Preferably, you order all of your food and don't cook at all. You usually forget to / neglect any other responsibility.
"Alright! I got my beer, my Chinese take out, the remote, and, of course, my trusty couch! Time for a Homer Simpson style day!"
by BJ Rouge March 25, 2020
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