1 definition by BIGKEND$$$$$

Common saying meaning to figuratively make money, but when you think about it, bread is made from dough, dough can also mean money. So getting bread means a lot, if you're making the most money in a family YOU ARE THE BREAD WINNER. Actually you can't win the bread if you don't know how to bake it from the dough, meaning if you don't invest and save your money (dough) you can't MAKE BREAD. Also this is a reference to the little red hen story. If you don't help in the process of making bread, YOU CAN'T EAT THE BREAD. John Smith had it right when he said: “He that will not work shall not eat.” IF YOU DON'T PUT IN THE WORK TO MAKE THE BREAD YOU GONNA STARVE LIKE THE DUDES IN JAMESTOWN. SO GET UP, GET HYPED, GET SMART, PUT IN THE WORK AND LET'S GET THIS BREAD MOTHER FUCKERS
boss dude hands you your paycheck*
by BIGKEND$$$$$ October 23, 2018
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