2 definitions by BBU and GRR lover

The INCREDIBLY good-looking and uber-hot lead singer of Panic at the Disco

Kid 1: Hey, who is that REALLY hot guy singing for Panic at the Disco?

Kid 2: That's Brendon Urie
by BBU and GRR lover July 28, 2008
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An amazing band. The Beatles of the 21st century. A band most people recognize by "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and "Nine in the Afternoon". Most of their publicity comes from those two songs, and people who only like those songs consider themselves fans, though they aren't real fans like those of us who know the names of ALL the other songs and like those too. Not only do we know the songs, we know the band. Brendon Boyd Urie, George Ryan Ross III, Jon Jacob Walker, and Spencer James Smith V are the four musically gifted members of this band, rapidly gaining popularity from their lates album.

REAL fans like A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, the band's first album, for such songs as, But It's Better if You Do, Lying is the Most Fun a Girl can have Without Taking her Clothes Off, Build God Then We'll Talk, and Camisado. These songs helped make up a great album.

The second album released by the band is Pretty. Odd. This is when the band changed their name from Panic! At the Disco, to Panic at the Disco, because they said they did not want to over-load their public with punctuation. This album is characterized by such songs as, Nine in the Afternoon, That Green Gentleman, Pas De Cheval, and I have Friends in Holy Spaces. This album is the latest one, though the real fans wait on bated breath for the next one.
Kid 1: Hey! Who is that AMAZINGLY AMAZING band playing?

Kid 2: What have you been living under a rock man!?!?!? It's the best band ever, Panic at the Disco!
by BBU and GRR lover July 28, 2008
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