2 definitions by B.E.A.N.

The act of expressing one's sorrow through an electronic device.
I got a technopology from my boyfriend who obviously doesn't want to apologize in person.

He used technopology as a way to vent his emotion after the tragic event.
by B.E.A.N. March 7, 2010
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Adjective - used to say that something is just as bad as or worse than what can be crapped out of your butt. Could also be a response to a bad joke or phrase.
Example 1 ~ P1: Did you just see that guy pick his nose? P2: Yeah, man that is just turdable. ~ Example 2 ~ "Once I had a dog without a nose." "Really? How did it smell?" "It smelled turdable."
by B.E.A.N. February 12, 2011
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