2 definitions by B-Radical31882

1. Something that "sucks just right" is something that you like or enjoy that could be viewed as sucky or lame. Very similar to a guilty pleasure.

2. Also if something is uncomfortable or semi painful but you also kind of get enjoyment out of it this too could be something that "sucks just right"
1. That Celine Dion song "I'm your lady" sucks just right.

2. When someone screams in your ear it can sometimes feel kind of good, like it tickles, like it sucks just right.
by B-Radical31882 November 8, 2019
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When someone is so utterly awesome and cultured and refined in the most west coast hipster kind of way that you can't help wanting to Facebook stalk him/her until ya'll are besties, possibly more....
He is so fucking extra, He is having The Bortnik Effect on me, it's fucking spiritual!
by B-Radical31882 March 5, 2018
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