1 definition by B•R•O•K•E•N

Sonja is a psycho trailer park whore who will fuck anyone who gives her the slightest attention, she tends to be transphobic and homophobic. Sonja looks like she has anorexia and does crack. She is poor and has lived only in trailer parks.
GUY 1: "Wow holy shit bro that girl looks like a 12 year old crack whore"

GUY 2" Oh yeah that's just Sonja she's the trailer park pass around"

GUY 1. "Oh gross"

GUY 2. "Yeah don't go near her she'll be tryin to get in your pants faster than stank on shit , bitch has to be riddled with herpes by now"
by B•R•O•K•E•N June 13, 2022
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