1 definition by Bürkhalter GmbH

Noun / Plural -

• A group of Opossums.

*Replaces the former animal grouping term “passel” of possums because it just sounds like shit.

(Didelphis virginiana)
Commonly known as the North American opossum, it is the only marsupial found north of Mexico.

In the United States, it is typically referred to simply as a “possum” (despite the fact that the word “possum” is actually the specific nomenclature assigned for The Common Brushtail Possum, a completely different species native only to Australia.)

This nocturnal animal about the size of a domestic cat is a successful opportunist. It is familiar to many North Americans as it is often seen near towns, and in cities rummaging through garbage cans or playing dead on the streets. These marsupials mostly prefer to fly solo. However, if you’re in the hood and the night is just right, you just might catch a rare glimpse of a Posse of opossums rolling deep down Marcy Ave on the creep; climbing all up in your dumpsters for that paper chase.
I am forever disappointed that a group of opossums is not called a Posse. So I turned to urban dictionary and made it so.

This is the largest Posse of Opossums in North America.
by Bürkhalter GmbH March 10, 2019
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