1 definition by Azure.Blaze.

Is a confusing person, but can understand you. Ezer can act like an innocent angel, but Evil and merciless to others when become serious, so don't underestimate an Ezer.

Ezer is also funny, clumsy, and playful when it comes to their favourite person, but is normal and cold when it comes to others. Ezer is talented and smart, they can solve anything, just let them do it on their own.

Ezer's are also Charming, cute and seductive.
They are also loyal to others but not that faithful.. They are trustworthy, so don't worry on telling them your deepest darkest secret, 'cause trust me, they'll just keep it to their selves.
???: "Hey! I just saw this cute person a min. ago in the woods, just chilling. But she/he's giving me a bit of a weird vibe tho."

???(2): "Oh?.. that must be an Ezer. Glad you're safe mate.. Just be careful next time you saw her/him.."
by Azure.Blaze. August 15, 2021
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