2 definitions by Azhdrs

-IT is referred to an object without consciousness or a Brain to think with.
-IT here is is an offensive term used by a group of people mainly Towards the LGBTQ+ Community but it also has been used towards (karens, anti-racists, snowflakes, and feminists) as if they do not have a brain to think with.
This Karen refused to wear a mask what an IT!
by Azhdrs October 22, 2020
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It is used to refer to objects (non-conscious things) and it’s sometimes used as a slur by a group of people towards bunch of communities like (feminists, LGBTQ, vegans, Karen’s and snowflakes)
Say you’re walking by a karen who’s yelling at someone you would then say “look at that karen what an IT
by Azhdrs February 21, 2022
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