1 definition by Aye_Roper619

(Pronouncesd Hena)
Arabic for supreme happiness and it couldn’t be more fufilling than that. Just seeing her will make your heart do a few laps around the world and then come back into place, seeing her smile as you walk over makes you dizzy and you almost fall over. Walking next to her and just the simple contact of your shoulders touching will make you feel like exploding into a bunch of butterflies and flowers. You’d be willing to do anything just to make her laugh or smile. No matter what she does she somehow seems to get more and more beautiful every single day, and she just so happens to have a perfect fashion sense. Her straight black hair ends just below her shoulders and couldn’t be anymore more perfect of a length and no matter what she does with it, it’ll still manage to hypnotize you. Her kissable cheeks and lips will have you daydreaming for hours. Her nice and warm dark chocolate eyes are likes lamps to a moth and you never want to look at anything else. Her beautiful voice cuts through everyone else’s and instantly grabs your attention, when she starts to sing it’s like time slows down and you can’t help but to give her more attention then you thought possible. She has the perfect personality to go along with everything else, she’s a natural leader and she’s one of the most caring people you know. You can always rely on her to be there for you and she will do so much to make her friends happy you can’t help but to fall more and more in love with her everyday.
Dude 1“Hana’s name is perfect for her”
Dude 2“Yeah I know dude everything about her is perfect”
by Aye_Roper619 October 25, 2018
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