2 definitions by Axiom.of.jazz

Professional mistake. Well known failed abortion child. Probably dead by now but keep they’re legacy through they’re social media. @jazzatthedisco -sc @axiom.of.jazz -insta. They have a good taste in music and long hair. From wales, land of sheep.
Wow you should add Jazz Owen on all the socials for free cookies uwu
by Axiom.of.jazz May 17, 2019
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NOT THE FUCKING MUSIC GENRE. Jazz is a mistake to human kind. Jazz is typically used as a nickname for the name ‘Jasmine’ bUT WILL RAGE QUIT IF ANYONE DARES CALL THEM JaSmiNe. Jazz is never and will never be a homosexual, contrary to popular belief. They’re hair is shit along with they’re taste and they need to stop eating fat bastard. They could also be considered an “athlete” but not really lolol. Probs dead.
Wow is that Jazz The Human, I have them on snapchat (jazzatthedisco) and instagram (axiom.of.jazz) YOU SHOULD ADD THEM TOO THEY REALLY TICKLE MY PICKLE
by Axiom.of.jazz May 17, 2019
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