6 definitions by Autumnal fan

Of, characteristic of, or occurring in football season.
Damn it's windy and rainy. So totally footbaulmnal! The packers are going to kick ass all over the saints!
by Autumnal fan September 2, 2015
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To send a fat dickpic to someone.
Blair: Dammit Alice. Andrew from the rates deprtement hograiled me last night and now we can't look at each other.
Alice: Wow, lucky you! I wish he would send some hograil my way. It's been too long without a good dickpic.
by Autumnal fan May 10, 2017
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An arduous task or long journey. An anagram or lexigram of slog and trek.
I was thinking it was going to be a trog eating this papaya cup, but it’s delicious. Mexico has the best fruit!
by Autumnal fan December 20, 2021
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One of the NFL ancients who hangs around and provide worthless TV commentary.
Collinsworth: Hey Al, that quarterback just threw a touchdown.

Michaels: Great analysis Chris. He definitely caught that ball.
Madden (from the grave): Guys, the team with the most points wins!
Vivian: NFLders are such dumbasses!
by Autumnal fan February 14, 2022
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Weed that enhances sexual experiences
Laura: so Greg bought me some vageed!
Jason: wow, i thought that was an urban myth. It actually increases your vaginal fluids??
Lorretta: no dumbass, it’s supposed to help with orgasms.
by Autumnal fan April 1, 2018
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Any lingerie shop that caters to elderly women, especially in south Florida.
Damn grams, where'd you get such a hot body stocking?!

Oh Pablo! You're such a sweet grandson for saying such nice things. I got this down at Potpourri Pussy on the A1A.
by Autumnal fan November 17, 2016
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