2 definitions by Aussieman25

An uncivilized lower-class Australian from outback Australia who dresses poorly (usually in flannos and overalls) and engages in socially inappropriate behaviour such as public urination,public fighting,bin-scabbing,and drug usage to name a few...not dissimilar to their American cousins the "rednecks" and "hillbillies" aptly named because of the dusty red sand near the red centre that they live upon.
Person 1: Look at that man over there passed out sleeping by the pub door...
Person 2: yep he's a dusties for sure...
by Aussieman25 November 14, 2020
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Short for the "new England soldiers" a white supremacy cult group out of NSW Australia that believes strongly in the racial superiority of "English Australians" specifically, or those with "convict descent" to put it another way.the group started only recently though there is evidence that its influence is spreading outside its home territory of northern NSW and more and more people are being converted as we speak.
Person 1: Look at those diamond tags all over the wall
Person 2: yep it's definately them (NES)
by Aussieman25 January 18, 2021
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