3 definitions by AshDav

The process of signing online and offline repeatedly on an instant messenger service.
Person A: "Why the onlofles?"
Person B: "My internet's a fag"
by AshDav January 11, 2010
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A word used to describe the process of signing online and offline repeatedly on msn.

Onloffling can also be used
Person A: "Why the hell does murphey keep signing on and off?"
Person B: "He's got the onloffles"
by AshDav June 7, 2010
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Stands for 'Copy and paste'
Used on MSN and other instant messenger services when you want the person you are talking to to copy and paste a section of their conversation with another person into your conversation.

Person X Says:
"This guy is being really annoying. He wont stop complaining!"
Person Y Says:
"Cap it to me"
by AshDav January 17, 2009
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