3 definitions by Archer Thornwood.

Something said to someone who does good and means well but always gets the crap end of things or the short end of the stick. Similar to "Bless your heart."
Guy 1: Hey, what happened to your arm?
Guy 2: I helped my uncle move a couch the other day. He let go, and I fell down the stairs.
Guy 1: Wow, that sucks, man.
Guy 2: Yeah, but I still picked it back up and carried it up the stairs.

Guy 1: You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
by Archer Thornwood. July 28, 2017
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Something said in response to a quote or phrase when a sermon or a lecture can easily be made from it and it be accurate to scripture or text. Usually said in church when someone agrees with something the preacher says.
Man 1: "True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less."

Man 2: "Amen! That'll preach!"
by Archer Thornwood. July 6, 2018
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1) To make to appear holier or better than it actually is.
2) To present something or someone as perfect when it/he/she obviously isn't.
3) To gloss over someone's faults - e.g. what a political party does to its own candidate.
Guy 1: Bro. CNN said that Hillary has a spotless record and decades of dedicated service.
Guy 2: Don't fall for Clinton News Network, man... They try to angelicize her.
by Archer Thornwood. May 23, 2018
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