2 definitions by Apogee

The stale, sour smoke left in a bong chamber from an unfinished hit.
A stoner faux pas, passing a bong containing a buffalo fart is akin to farting in a full elevator.

Also used in the southern US to describe the rank smell of a burning marijuana seed. Failing to remove all the seeds is also a faux pas due to this stink.
"Dude, finish your hit! You handed me a buffalo fart!"
"Dude, clean your weed next time, that buffalo fart reeks!"
by Apogee November 30, 2006
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(ven-tah-free-uh, ven-tə-frē-əh) n. a gust of cold air that spreads throughout a room when a window or door is opened on a cold day. From the Spanish 'venta fría', or 'cold wind'.
I sometimes wear my coat indoors because of the ventafria when people open the door.
by Apogee March 5, 2014
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