2 definitions by Anonym1312

The name Ravin is for men not woman!

Ravin’ Personality is caring, hilarious, crazy, strong, good looking, chill, athletic and loves to meet new people.

Ravin is a keeper but when the relationship ends then Ravin loves to go around and hook around.
Yo man, Ravin you fucking crazy man!
Ravin, I died of laughing
by Anonym1312 October 9, 2018
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Ravin is a name of boys or men who always are active, and love sports.

People with the name Ravin are usually hilarious, cool, strong, chill, athletic, crazy, and loves party.

Ravin is a keeper and loyal but when they’re not in a relationship they gonna go a hook around
Man Ravin u stupid!
by Anonym1312 October 9, 2018
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