3 definitions by AnonemousMarmot

The streams of cum leading from woman to woman to woman but eventually leading back to a couple dudes at Carlson
Admissions Pimp: "St Thomas has the St Thomas Network! We allbutguaranteeunderlegalcontracture that we WILL get you a high-finance jobs right out of college!!"

Savvy students: "St Thomas Network? Guess I better bring my umbrellas...sighhhhh..."

EDIT: @urban dictionary staffers, you will not get this unless you WENT to st thomas, a respectable but academically nincompoop school in southern Minnesota. You will not have heard ALL ABOUT THE "St Thomas Network" so you will not understand why their promises of good jobs out of college are completely false. I am not sullying a Catholic institution for its Catholicism--I am a seminarian at a different school in fact--I am drawing under-given attention to a serious lie St Thomas peddles to admitted and high school students about career prospects out of college. I am in line with the college revelution, wherein we can totally see 80% of our college tuition was frittered away on defining basic marketing vocabulary. I encourage you to seriously think again; DO NOT delete this post as it echoes the academic agony of thousands of st Thomas graduates who were told fame and fortune awaited them outside St Thomas' borders but wound up stocking shelves intead.
by AnonemousMarmot September 28, 2020
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Stream of ejaculate flowing from woman to woman to woman and eventually leading us back to a few chads at Carlson School of Management. It does not mean "we'll have buddies in esteemed positions who'll line you up with jobs/internships/careers SIMPLY because you paid 40,000 a year to do shit at St Thomas--it means 1/4th of the womenfolk here fucked some dudes at Carlson and wound up becoming senior vice presidents at 23. hahaha what a schmuck buying into our con game"
Advisor: "Oy! we have a GREAT tommie network, when you graduate you'll be getting offers for career-launchpad positions! (but in reality only the sloots, the well-connected and the family-business-owning students will find high-level careers heheheheh...we say we love egalitarianism while really conning the 99.999%! "

Gullible students: "OY! so you mean if I pay 40,000 a year to study vocabulary terms but 'trust your plan' I'll wind up an Investment Banker or CFO at age 22? (for the record, Urban Dictionary, this is LITERALLY what Dr Ernest Owens and Michael Devaugh promise)"

Savvy students: "Oh tommie network? TOMMIE NETWORK ? sigh...guess I better bring my umbrella....sighghhgh..."
by AnonemousMarmot November 8, 2020
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Alleged to be a consortium of alumni from St Thomas who will get students tier-1 jobs and internships.

It's actually the stream of semen going from woman to woman to woman, leading back to a few dudes at CSOM
Admissions counselors: "Come to St Thomas! We have a broad Tommie Network which all-but-guarantees you'll get a decent corporate job after college!"

Savvy students: "sigh...better bring my galoshes then....siiiiighhhh......."
by AnonemousMarmot September 28, 2020
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