3 definitions by Anime

Dusty: *randon question out of nowhere*

Me: wtf??!
by Anime September 30, 2005
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an ick is a quality in someone else that repulses you, something that grosses you out or turns you off
omg mheep’s your mom jokes give me the ick!!!
by Anime January 9, 2023
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Most people say anime is a cartoon, although it's not. Anime is a Japenese show, which of course, is animated. Usually it's in Japenese unless it's English-dubbed. There are all types of animes: horror, romantic, funny, action, etc. The anime characters may look cartoonish but that doesn't make anime cartoons. Anybody of any age can watch anime.
Some animes are:

Soul Eater
One Piece

Sword Art Online
Mirrai Nikki

~and many more~
by Anime May 5, 2014
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