2 definitions by Androsscity

Verb: To shit on a mummy

Noun: A really dirty mummy
"Me and Rob are the shimmy masters!" "The museum was fun before someone shimmied all over" "The retirement home is full of a bunch of shimmies with bad hips"
by Androsscity January 15, 2007
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This is a women whom is known as a monster in bed. She breaths perfume and terrorizes the japanese. She is immortal and irresistable to men. She has a mole on her big toe that looks like an eyeball which many believe allows her to see into the hearts of men.
"I totally, like, fear the babezilla but what I fear more is not making love to her to my full capacity" "BABEGIRRA!!!"
by Androsscity January 19, 2007
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