2 definitions by Andrew Zelin

The method by which a task (usually of a complex / statistical nature) is carried out (such as the design of a Market Research Survey) and which is not totally comprehensible to the user of this word. It may be that the user does not believe such a method to be totally correct / appropriate; hence the tendency to refer to such a method as being of little more significance than that of a "myth".
The mythodology of the analysis has not been fully decided yet.
by Andrew Zelin March 23, 2008
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The sense of euphoria one gets when one sub-contracts some work of a complex / technical / statistical nature to a colleague or external company / consultancy and what you received back was of a very high level of quality, and you were very satisfied with the outcome.
eg work involving decisions and methodology associated with the sampling of persons to take part in Surveys or the analysis of survey data (Multivariate or Conjoint).

"The Supermaket Consumers Segmentation Analysis was done to a high degree of Statisfaction"
by Andrew Zelin March 22, 2008
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