1 definition by Andrew Hernandez

An image originally created in the late 1950's and 1960's. Innocent by nature but commonly deplored by those who cannot achieve it or don't agree with capitolism.

The stereotypical American Dream is to marry that perfect someone, move into the classical surburan house, with a front yard, a garage & drive way, a white picket fence. You have a dog, a cat, and several kids. On weekends and summers you barbeque in your yard while your kids play on a tire swing and build a tree fort. Sometimes the American Dream is associated with the Corvette which is commonly known as the American Dream Car, because of it's long legacy of American muscle and great performance.

These assests are ideally attained by working hard to someday become financially stable enough to afford simple luxuries without worrying about it. This does not mean that you become rich suddenly, or buy the fastest car upright, it means that as you work hard over time, you get more money and improve on what you already have. Such as moving into a larger home, buying a faster car, and being able to support an additional child.
My version of the American Dream is to become a civil engineer, marry my highschool sweat heart, buy a nice sized Spanish styled house in San Diego, CA and drive a new 2005 Mustang.
by Andrew Hernandez November 28, 2004
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