2 definitions by Ando Commando

The study of chumps and their participation in public douchbaggery or their penchant for residing near the shores of Jersey. Also can be thought of as a study of their spending habits on hair product, fake tans, and clear sunglasses. You can easily identify them by their popped collar(s).
Person: "Hey, what's up man"
The Fiddler: "Bippity Boppity, (unitelligible mumbling) Fo get bout it!"
Person: "Your not making any sense..."
The Fiddler: "Da two uh yous bes not mess wit da fiddla!"
Person: "Do you want to participate in my case study in chumpenomics?"
by Ando Commando October 20, 2008
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The study of the distribution of chumps and their tribal borders. Also the study of the location of chumpaporiums.
Non douchebag person: "Hey, did you know that Jersey has the highest concentration of chumps per capita than anywhere else in the world?"
Douchebag Person: "Yous one of them liberals ain't yous? Fo get about it!!"
Non Douchebag Person: "No, actually I learned it in my Chumpography 101 class."
by Ando Commando October 20, 2008
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