6 definitions by AmogustoastfardXD1000000000001

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The sequel to Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse and also a Baller ass movie
Guy 1: Hey have you watched Across the Spiderverse?
Guy 2: Yes
*Guy 1 and 2 start making out*
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The name of the baby mewtwo in the comic series mew and mewtwo.
Huey was born after the female mewtwo interacted with a flower that made her pregnant.
In the series there are 2 mewtwos a male one and a female one.
The male mewtwo is called uncle face by huey and the female mewtwo is called Mama they also call mew gramew.
They all live inside the house of ash ketchum.
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1/3 cups of sugar

3/4 cups of flour

3 tablespoons of yeast

1 cup of milk

4 Banananananananananas

The soul of a cockroach

The blessing of almighty bingus

The blood of a virgin lamb born on september 7 in a thunderstorm

The venom of a blue ring octopus

and a samsung phone with wattpad installed
Hey do you want some Bananananananananana bread?
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