3 definitions by American Powerbuilder

A barbell is a piece of gym equipment, a typical barbell is a straight bar, made of steel, usually 7 feet long and weights around 20kg/44 lbs or 20.4 kg/45 lbs. A barbell is usually used for heavy compound movements such as a Bench press, Squat or deadlift. The weight can be adjusted using weight plates.
Load the barbell with 225, I'm gonna bench it.
by American Powerbuilder February 8, 2022
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The Barbell Deadlift, or simply the deadlift, is the king of the 3 powerlifts. The trainee grips a barbell and with a neutral back, hinges their hips and lifts the Barbell off the ground until they reach a standing position. It is important to not round your back or allow your hips to rise too fast. This exercise trains the erector spinae, hamstrings, glutes, quads and trap muscles.
The Barbell Deadlift is the king of exercises.
by American Powerbuilder February 11, 2022
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A weighted movement and one of the 3 powerlifts, the trainee, while lying on a bench, lowers a weighted barbell or dumbbells to the chest and then presses the weight back to the starting position. This lift is good for developing and strengthening the pectoral (chest) muscles, the tricep muscles and the anterior deltoid (front shoulder) muscle
The Bench Press is by far the best compound exercise to develop a the upper body
by American Powerbuilder February 8, 2022
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