5 definitions by AlphaDidAThing

A very cool person who likes someone called Perptual_Alt.

A very big funamusea/DSP/mogeko/okegom fan.

Also someone who writes things inspired by the person above.

And owns a cool discord server called Thd Eventide Garden
"AlphaDidAlotOfThings is cool."
by AlphaDidAThing March 13, 2022
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A very awesome person I like alot.

Also may or may not be AlphaDidAlotOfThings boyfriend. lo.... Who knows.

Did I forget to mention that he's cool?
"Perptual_Alt is cool"
by AlphaDidAThing March 13, 2022
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a forbidden word that gets you banned from a discord server for a pjj copy on roblox
Hey did you know that alpha person got banned for saying gaytiore?
by AlphaDidAThing July 17, 2020
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1. A bitch who likes banning people from his discord server for no reason

2. A money hungry guy who owns a pjj copy on roblox
that optiore guy is a bitch
by AlphaDidAThing June 13, 2020
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A place worse than the seven circles of hell themselves.

Also a discord server for a roblox jojo game/a development group so that's cool
"I hate clashbox"
by AlphaDidAThing March 13, 2022
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