9 definitions by AlextheArschloch

The type of girl if you have in your life you should never let go. A lot of people just see her for the first thing they notice- her looks but she's so much more than that. Once you've got a Jazzie in your life you forget what it's like without her. She's beautiful inside and out and the most unforgettable girl ever! She may not have much confidence but she the rarest out there. She’ll be on your side to the end. She's intelligent, brave, and kind. She's worth the effort you have to put in and more. She feels like sunshine and a rollercoaster at the same time, a beautiful adventure. She's all the colours at once with at full brightness. She makes you want to be a better person, a better guy, for her.
Person 1: hey man, who’s your home screen?

Person 2: oh her? That's Jazzie man, she's unexplainable and the most beautiful thing I've encountered!

Person 1: hold onto her! If you don’t I will!
by AlextheArschloch August 26, 2020
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A (often Australian) slang word for a vape/vaporiser.
by AlextheArschloch March 11, 2023
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