1 definition by Alex _11

Jewish folklore, a way cool older woman that's nice and really funny. She brings kids toys, especially us really good Jewish kids who Santa seems to forget, or who because we are Jewish, Santa isn't allowed to sneek into our houses by slipping down the chimney or if you live in an apartment with out a chimney altogether. Just don't tell Rabbi Ebenezer. Pretty please with icecream and sugar on top. I promise to be good all year if you let me believe.
"You'd better not kvetch, or eat chozzerai, You'd better not greps, I'm telling you why... Yenta Claus in coming to town!"


"She is such a nice Yenta! And to think we have a real Bubbie that brings the kinderlach such nice toys! Don't tell Rabbi Ebenezer about Yenta Claus or else it's no more toys and back to getting that nasty lump of coal!"
by Alex _11 September 14, 2006
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